2 Glen Road. Despite strong objections from local residents and the Group, the planners have approved the new house type (basically 3 cubes) instead of previously approved traditional house type.. 68 Princetown Road. Change of use from a B&B to a day nursery for 60 children had been approved despite all the objections which had been made. 14 Maxwell Road. 2-storey extension to side and 3-storey extension (including basement) to rear of existing dwelling. Approval has been granted. 6 Maxwell Park. Approval given to extension to side and rear of dwelling. Rear of 8 Maxwell Road. Approval given to change of house type from that previously approved. Thalassa Tree Preservation Orders. After almost 3 years, the planners have advised that no action is to be being taken against the developer as the breach of planning approval had been rectified by the planting of new trees. 20 Knockmore Park. Proposed attic study over existing garage and raised deck in rear garden. After objections had been raised the planning application had been withdrawn. 10 Brompton Road. Approval given for change of house type for previously approved new 2 storey house in garden. 32 Maxwell Road. LA06/2015/0377/F. Plans approved for the alterations to this Listed Building 24 Maxwell Road. LA06/2015/0681F. Two storey extension including balcony to rear. Planning permission granted incorporating suggestions made by BWCG 36 Kensington Park Bangor BT20 3RF. LA06/2015/0828/F. Erection of a two storey side and rear extension with first floor balcony and raised patio/deck plus alterations. Application Approved 25 Kensington Park Bangor BT20 3RF LA06/2016/0456/Single storey extension to rear, 2-storey extension to side, and remodelling of existing frontage. Revised proposals issued after objections by BWCG and thie application is now acceptable 16 Knockmore Park. LA06/2015/0554/F. First floor extension and single storey side extension. Permission granted 10 Brompton Road, Bangor Residential Development of three new detached dwellings, including the re-design and re-siting of previously approved dwelling W/2014/0131 and the demolition and replacement of the existing dwelling at 10 Brompton Road, Bangor Application approved despite strong objections from BWCG Lands to rear of 9 and 11 Raglan Bangor County Down BT20 3TL Ref. No: W/2014/0432/F | Status: Permission Granted Dwelling House Site Immediately To NW Of Dwelling House At No.8 Brompton Road, Bangor Ref. No: LA06/2016/1086/F | Status.:Permission refused 77 Bryansburn Road Bangor BT20 3SD Ref. No: LA06/2016/1119/F erection of a single storey, side and rear extension and rear decking area plus alterations. Proposal includes demolition of existing conservatory, utility room + store to rear. Permission granted